#3. freak – sub urban
alinesart3 · 2 months
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Sub urban✨
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gimmethatagustd · 8 months
okay I’m here like two business days later with that request because my adhd brain forgot about it lmao
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GHOSTFACE!! YOONGI!! I added the picture of yoongi because I had a very ~specific~ yoongi look in mind when thinking of this loll. I’m thinking Halloween party vibes?? or any other way that a costume would make sense. idk I’m making this request late at night so my brain is half turned off. I’m kind of letting you take the reins here and make it as spooky as you feel comfortable with. like I said I’d love to see your take on this because I love your mind <3
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You've had your eyes set on Yoongi for as long as you can remember. What you didn't know is that he's had his eyes on you, too.
↳ pairing: yoongi x f!reader
↳ rating/genre: BTS | 18+ | halloween | friends to... (?) | light smut | angst | dead dove
↳ wc/date: 1.4k | October 2023
↳ warnings: dubcon, knife play, blood play, yandere vibes, mc is afraid but also turned on, mc is confused and so am i, slut shaming, humiliation, lowkey gaslighting/victim-blaming, a toxic relationship at the least, vaginal fingering, open ending, i wrote this half asleep and without editing
↳ notes: i have no idea what the fuck this is 🥲 pls forgive me. idk how this happened
↳ masterlist / taglist
↳ what was jai listening to? freak - sub urban ft. rei ami
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Halloween 2023 Masterlist
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Clink. Clink. Clink. 
The wind kicks dry leaves across the sidewalk, swirling them around your feet. Twisting your torso around, you glance over your shoulder as you walk. One of your red stiletto heels falls in the crack between the slabs of concrete. Pain blooms in your ankle when you wobble. The sound of you sucking a breath through your clenched teeth is the only thing disrupting the still, crisp autumn air. 
Until you hear it again. 
Clink. Clink. Clink. 
It sounds like metal on metal, perhaps the jingle of keys or buckles knocking into each other as someone walks. 
Alcohol warms your cheeks and chest despite how revealing your red corset and miniskirt are. Still, you know that the sound following you ever since you left Jungkook’s Halloween party is real and not some alcohol-induced paranoia from walking home alone at two in the morning on Halloween. 
Jungkook hadn’t wanted you to walk, but finding an Uber so late at night would be impossible, and everyone else at the party had been too drunk to drive you home. 
Two blocks isn’t much at all.  
Clink. Clink. Clink. 
The sidewalk is empty when you twist around and try not to trip again. Streetlights cast shadows across the grass that could be people. Or animals. Or monsters. Creatures of the night. 
Taking a deep breath, you quickly unlock the gate that opens to wooden stairs leading to the backdoor of your apartment on the second floor. You rush up the stairs as quickly as you can in the stupid heels your best friend convinced you to wear because they’re sexy, and you both thought they might help you catch the eye of a certain boy. 
It wasn’t worth the trouble, though. The certain boy barely looked your way. 
For a second too long, you stall, fumbling with your keys to find the one that will unlock your backdoor. Your fingers feel numb from the cold, and your reflexes are dulled by whatever was in the punch Hoseok made. Perhaps that’s why you don’t know what looms behind you until its body has yours pressed against your door. 
Sticking your hands out, you try to stop yourself from hitting your face. It works, but now your arms are trapped between your body and the door. Your keys fall with a hollow thud, and for a heartbeat, the world is silent, like every creature in existence is holding its breath. 
Every creature except for the one crowding you against the door. It breathes, hot and heavy, against the shell of your ear, scattering goosebumps across your skin. You’re burning up from its body heat, the creature big and firmly pressed against every inch of you. 
But what makes your knees tremble isn’t the oppressive force of this thing sticking to you like a second skin. It’s the clink and then something cool and sharp pressed against your throat. 
You can’t swallow down your nerves without fear of your throat bobbing against what you guess is a large knife. 
“Are you scared?” a voice whispers. Soft lips brush the tip of your ear. Then a nose, buttoned and cold, drags along the side of your neck. “You’re being such a good girl, didn’t even scream.” 
Fear clutches your heart, but that voice strokes a fire in your core. It’s sick how you shiver against the man’s chest because you know it isn’t only because you’re scared of him. 
“You’re not funny, Yoongi,” you say with a shaky breath and do your best not to move too much when you talk. 
Yoongi chuckles into your shoulder, where he’s nuzzled his face. “I wasn’t trying to be funny.” 
The knife glides down your throat at the point with not enough pressure to break the skin but just enough for it to feel uncomfortable. 
“Are you gonna let me in?” 
It’s not a real knife. Yoongi is your friend; he wouldn’t threaten you. Or, at least, you think he’s your friend. He’d ignored you all night, though. 
“Did you seriously follow me all the way here at two in the morning just to scare me?” You elbow him out of the way so you can bend down to retrieve your keys. 
“Yeah,” Yoongi admits with a gummy smile. 
Inside your apartment, you can get a better look at him. His costume is just his regular clothes with a Ghostface mask, though he isn’t wearing the mask anymore. It’s tied to one of his belt loops. The side bumps against the metal of his belt when he walks. 
Clink. Clink. Clink. 
“You’re ridiculous.” 
Yoongi’s grin grows. “Jungkook didn’t want you walking by yourself.” 
“Then why didn’t you walk with me instead of following me around like a creep?” 
You kick off your heels and take ginger steps toward the kitchen, the balls of your feet throbbing. Out of the corner of your eye, Yoongi shrugs. His pretty black hair falls against his shoulders and curls into his eyelashes when he tilts his head to watch you. 
“You knew I was there,” he doesn’t ask, just smiles when you roll your eyes. 
Catching your wrist, Yoongi stops you from crossing the living room to the kitchen. His grip on you is bruising when he yanks you into his chest. It’s claustrophobic and makes your stomach churn when you twist your wrist, and Yoongi doesn’t let go. 
“I’m thirsty.” Your voice comes out as a whisper, can’t manage to get any louder. “Let me go.” 
“Interesting,” Yoongi murmurs. “I’m thirsty, too.” 
You follow his eyes when he drops his chin to peer between your bodies. At the same time, you feel the cool edge of the knife drag up your thigh. The tip eventually catches on the edge of your miniskirt. In one swift motion, Yoongi flicks the knife up and cuts through the thin, stretchy fabric. A thin line of blood sprouts from the shallow cut his knife makes up the inside of your thigh. 
“Oh my god,” you whimper, watching little dribbles of blood trickle down your leg. Heat spreads from the cut across your thigh and unfurls in your stomach. 
The dim lighting of your living room reflects in warm tones within Yoongi’s dark irises. Squeezing your wrist even tighter, he walks you backward until your legs hit the edge of your couch. 
“You liked it,” Yoongi points out with a tut of his tongue, his tone condescending and judgemental. The shame it stirs in your chest makes it hard for you to breathe. “Let me press you up against the door. Mark you up with this,” he twirls the knife around, making a show of how loosely he grasps it. 
Yoongi brings the knife to your lips to silence you. The tip glistens with your blood. 
“Keep quiet like a good girl for me, okay, sweetheart?” Yoongi kneels on the couch in between your spread legs. The position forces your ruined skirt higher up your thighs, exposing your sheer red thong. 
You watch in amazement as Yoongi drags the tip of his knife up your inner thigh until he reaches the edge of your thong. Lightly, he drags the tip along your clothed pussy. It doesn’t cut you, but you can’t stop shaking because it could, and you don't know what that would mean for you if you admitted that you kind of want it to. 
“Why are you–” 
“Shhh, don’t play so innocent,” Yoongi murmurs. He leans forward to press a soft kiss to your forehead. “You dressed up so pretty for me. Look so good in red; I wanted to see more of it on you.” 
The knife presses against the crease of your inner thigh and slices upward, giving you another shallow cut while cutting you loose from your thong. 
You moan when Yoongi drags his cold fingers along your folds, dig your nails into his forearm when he plunges two fingers into your pussy and makes your muscles flutter.
“So wet for me, fuck, you’re such a slut,” Yoongi moans as your pussy greedily sucks in his fingers despite the press of the bloodied blade against your throat. 
"Yoongi, please," you buck into his hand, urging him to fuck you faster. Your thighs sting from the cuts, and your legs are wet with little streams of blood, but you've never felt so close to an orgasm so quickly in your life.
“Don’t worry, baby. I’ll take good care of you.” 
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Halloween 2023 Masterlist
all rights reserved © gimmethatagustd on tumblr & AO3
do not copy, repost, modify, or translate any of my work
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mieczyhale · 10 months
this was so fun!! much thanks to @its-tortle for the tag (as i get to this ages late lmao)
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RULES: Put your playlist on shuffle. For each of the 10 interview questions, select a lyric from the random song that comes up. (Skip if there aren’t any lyrics and make sure to drop the name of the song in your interview answer!)
1. First off, how would you describe yourself in one sentence?
I love everything, fire's spreading all around my room, my world's so bright, it's hard to breathe but that's alright "cradles" - sub urban
2. What kind of [insert my super secret zodiac sign] are you?
You've got to make a choice if the music drowns you out, and raise your voice every single time they try and shut your mouth "sing" - my chemical romance
3. You’re visiting your favorite spot, what are you thinking about?
Can you feel it? I gotta live with it everyday, I can't take the pressure, I'm going insane "bad religion" - godsmack
4. If your life was a movie, what do you think the first review would say about it?
They say"freak" when you're singled out, the red, well it filters through "red" - chevelle
5. Say you get a book deal, what are you titling your memoir?
Take or leave who I am 'cause this is me, like a fish out of water, do I belong here? "pride" - american authors
6. What would you say about your best friends?
Speak to me when all you got to keep is strong, move along, move along like I know you do "move along" - the all-american rejects
7. Think back to when you had everything all figured out in high school, what was your life motto as a teenager?
I just wanted you to tell me the truth, you know I'd do that for you "running away" - hoobastank
8. Describe your aesthetic now:
I won't give up so don't give in, you've fallen down but you will rise again "a reason to fight" - disturbed
9. What’s a lyric that they’ll quote in your eulogy?
I bet you got pushed around, somebody made you cold, but that cycle ends right now, 'cause you can't lead me down that road "mean" - taylor swift
10. And for our final question, say we believe in soulmates, what do you think their first impression of meeting you will be?
Clowns to the left of me, jokers to the right, here I am stuck in the middle with you "stuck in the middle" - stealers wheel
tagging:: @deanspillowprincess @penguinsandpanthers @ketterdam-snack-bar @octoberconstellation @starkund-schon and whoever else wants to do it :3
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feniverse-unfiltered · 5 months
Some BNHA Character Playlists:
Dabi: spotify link | Playlist Graphic
Top 3 Songs: Blood // Water by grandson | Rewired by Gabbie Hanna | Hellfire by Barns Courtney
Toga Himiko: spotify link
Top 3 Songs: Bloodsucker by aeseaes | I'll Make You Love Me by Kat Leon | Breakfast by Dove Cameron
Shigaraki Tomura: spotify link
Top 3 Songs: Stay and Decay by Unlike Pluto | Monster by BB Cooper | Freak (Ft. REI AMI) by Sub Urban
Hawks: spotify link
Top 3 songs: Higher by The Score | Anti-Gravity by RUNAGROUND | Head Up by The Score
Miruko: spotify link
Top 3 songs: Don't Stop the Devil by Dead Posey | Stomp Me Out by Bryce Fox | 321GO by The Mondays
Lady Nagant: spotify link
Top 3 songs: OUTLAW by Neoni | I Walk The Line by Halsey | Never Going Back by The Score
Bakugo Katsuki: spotify link
Top 3 songs: Dynamite by Sam Tinnesz | The Fight by The Phantoms | Going for Greatness by Future Royalty
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Okie so I already did a lil about me but I wanna do it like this (cuz idfk)
Mostly inspired by scrunckled-idiot (don't wanna tag em just in case they don't wanna be tagged)
AGE: 14 (turning 14 I should say-)
GENDER: Female/Watermelon
PRONOUNS: She/Her/Hers
HEIGHT: I'm short
Call Of Duty (mainly the BO franchise)
FNF (idk about this one tbh, maybe)
(I will edit this later on)
Meeting new people
Making new friends
Making edits
Support from others/supporting others
People to look up as Father figures
Encouragement to keep going on
People who are willing to take time to help
People I can relate to or they can relate to me
Being able to talk to someone when I'm down
People who reblog my posts :)
People who like my posts or check out my art
Earning people's trust (I like to help and stay friends with one another and be able to gain their trust knowing it makes me feel like I've accomplished something in our friendship)
Chicken nuggies >:3
Soldier from TF2 cuz he's silly
People who take their time to support me in my work (I checked I think I didn't type this twice, I THINK)
you know the rest, don't do anything stupid you know I won't tolerate such as those things listed up above this entire text, I don't fucking tolerate hate or any harassment, don't even send me that shit or get me involved w bs I don't wanna be in
Timber - Pitbull + Kesha
I Like Me Better - Lauv
Faster n Harder - 6arelyhuman
Dance! Till We Die - 6arelyhuman
Party Addict - kets4eki +nosgov (kojo)
Hearts! - Saddfriend
Medusa - Saddfriend + MUPP
Metamorphosis 3 - Interworld (FT Saddfriend + zxcursed)
Kuinke - Saddfriend + MUPP
Right Now Right Now - Speed Gang
H.O.E - Speed Gang
1900 - Speed Gang
I Like You - Post Malone + Doja Cat
Circles - Post Malone
Smile - JuiceWRLD + The Weeknd
Lucid Dreams - JuiceWRLD
All of JuiceWRLD's song
EYES ON ME - Asteria
WHAT YOU WANT! - Asteria + 6arelyhuman (remix)
Freak - Sub Urban
Cradles - Sub Urban
INFERNO - Sub Urban + Bella Poarch
I Wanna Be Yours - Artic Monkeys
Do I Wanna Know - Artic Monkeys
La Seine - Vanessa Paradis
RUNRUNRUN - Dutch Melrose
So bitter - stxlkin + AURA
24K Magic - Bruno Mars
Leave The Door Open - Bruno Mars
That's What I Like - Bruno Mars
Please Me - Cardi B + Bruno Mars
Uptown Funk - Mark Ronson + Bruno Mars
Locked Out Of Heaven - Bruno Mars
Talking to the Moon - Bruno Mars
You should fr listen to these amazing songs UvU (I used to be a big Bruno Mars fan as you can tell)
Soldier + Scout [TF2]
Roach + Soap [COD MW3 + MW2 REBOOT]
Richtofen + Dempsey [COD BO1/BO3]
Clank [RATCHET AND CLANK (all the games)]
Sir Daniel [MedEvil]
Scorpion + Johnny Cage [Mortal Kombat (all of them)]
Orochi + Kensei [For Honor]
Knuckles + Shadow [literally all the sonic games w them in it]
Sackboy [LittleBigPlanet (all the LittleBigPlanet games)]
Nariko [Heavenly Sword (I only knew her from PlayStation All Stars Battle Royal)]
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Hermit A Day Materpost/ Playlist Post
This is just a collection of Songs that usually came to mind when drawing said Hermit. Some of these are based more on things I've seen about them rather than their actual content.
Vintagebeef - GOSSIP (Maneskin)
XisumaVoid - Long Drives (Boywithuke)
Zedaph - Mad Hatter (Melanie M.)
Keralis - Freaks (Jordan Clarke)
TFC - Homesick (Boywithuke)
IJevin - Blue (Boywithuke)
Mumbo Jumbo - Freak Show (Sub Urban)
xBcrafted - Nosedive (Boywithuke)
Skizzleman - If We Have Eachother (Alec Benjamin)
Stress - Love Grows (Edison Lighthouse)
Pearl - Please Mister Postman (Beatles)
Friends of Hermitcraft (Seablings) - Born to Die (Lana del Rey)
Cubfan - Pull the Cord (the Score)
Docm77 - Top of the World (the Score)
False - Somewhere only we know (Keane)
Welsknight - Strawberry Blond (Mitski)
Etho - Christmas in June (AJR)
JoeHills - Angeleyes (ABBA)
Fav. Alt Hermit (Cuteguy) - Fighter (the Score)
Geminitay - Killer Queen (Queen)
Bdubs - Your Stupid Face (Kaden Mackey)
Iskall - Good old Fashioned Lover-Boy (Queen)
TangoTek - Yes & No (XYLO)
Cleo - In my Blood (the Score)
Impulse - Nightmare (Boywithuke)
Groups (Magic Mountain Crew + Bdubs) - Better in Stereo (Dove Cameron)
Grian - Troublemaker (Olly Murs)
Scar - Big Dreams (the Score)
Hypnotizd - Ghost (Confetti)
Joel - Boys will be Bugs (Cavetown)
Ren - Don't make me (Malinda Kathleen Reese)
Links to all the art posts:
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10&11 / 12 / 13 / 14&15 / 16 / 17 / 18 / 19 / 20 / 0.21 / 21&22 / 23 / 24&25 / 26 / 27 / 28 / 29&30 / 31
spotify link:
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wincestation · 1 year
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When Is a Monster Not a Monster? playlist
Chapter 1: Heal Me - FARR
Chapter 2: Dark Side - Ramsey
Chapter 3: My Body Is A Cage - Peter Gabriel Howl - Florence + The Machine
Chapter 4: No One's Here to Sleep - Naughty Boy
Chapter 5: Drumming Song - Florence + The Machine
Chapter 7: Cherry - Lana Del Rey
Chapter 8: Bedroom Hymns - Florence + The Machine
Chapter 10: The Few Things - JP Saxe I Am Your Skin - The Bravery
Chapter 11: Danse Macabre - Camille Saint-Saens
Chapter 13: Hatef--k - The Bravery See You Bleed - Ramsey
Chapter 15: Freak - Sub Urban Blessed With A Curse - Bring Me The Horizon Gilded Lily - Cults
Chapter 16: Canon in D - Johann Pachelbel
Chapter 18: Palladio - Karl Jenkins They Don't Care About Us - 2Cellos
Chapters 19+20: Open Water - blessthefall, Lights
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nocturnalzhagreus · 2 months
1,3,7 and 24 for florence pls :>
OKIEEE!!! Here we goooo
1) Does your OC have a voice claim, if so who?
When i think about Florence's voice i feel like she'll have that kind of voice a polite lady in a 1940's movie would have. I have little knowledge of characters or VAs but for an example her voice will sorta sound like Vera Claythorne in Renè Clair's "and then there were none" (1945) or Princess Aurora (maybe?) from disney's sleeping beauty.
3) What song describes your OC?
With no hesitation, PARAMOUR or Freak by Sub Urban. Also AURORA's songs also would be kind of a great vibe for her but specifically i would say Cure for Me. I cant really connect the lyrics of those songs but its just right yk
I forgot to mark (7) earlier i already answered that one for Florence so sorry
24) Can they play any instruments? If so, what do they play?
Florence isn't really a music person. But she did learn to play piano back when she was a teenager (out of obligation). She stills remember a little of how to play but she prefers humming now rather than playing instruments.
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itsyourstarboy · 1 year
Applying Songs to Ships
Thank you @konnorhasapen for tagging me <3
"Please don't hide your imperfections."
It just feels like them
"But when he walks in, I am loved, I am loved."
This one feels pretty obvious
"We should just kiss like real people do."
Let them be happy gdi
"I wanna set you free, but I'm too fucking jealous."
Invisiboi go brrrrrrr
"You took my broken melody and now I hear a symphony."
It's them, that's all I have to say
"You know I love you so."
That Once in a Honey Moon fic did this to me, it's their theme song, I don't make the rules
Tagging anyone who wants to join ♡
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sparrow-orion-writes · 11 months
current wip asks: 16 and 21 let's GO [chinhands]
I'm currently working on The Poison Complex
16. Write the next 5 sentences and share.
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(My writing site literally will not let me copy and paste)
21. Share 3 songs that would belong on a playlist for this chapter/fic. 
Sugar we're going down by Fall Out Boy
Freak by Sub Urban
bad idea! by girl in red
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sunnydaleherald · 6 months
The Sunnydale Herald Newsletter, Tuesday, January 9
XANDER: No, no, no. You're not going out. SPIKE: I have to go. XANDER: Buffy was very clear about the not leaving of you. SPIKE: I know what the Slayer told you. It's not true. Now let me go, and I'll find a way to prove it. XANDER: OK, I'm gonna list the reasons that won't happen. One - (Spike punches hi in the nose, knocking him out) SPIKE: Ow!
~~Buffy Season 7 Episode #130: "Sleeper"~~
[Drabbles & Short Fiction]
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Disaster Avoidance Strategies (Buffy, T, Jojo's Bizarre Adventure xover) by madimpossibledreamer
Up All Night (Buffy/Spike, M) by veronyxk84
finds me unafraid (Xander, T, multiple xovers) by madimpossibledreamer
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When she failed her sacred duty (Buffy, Willow, G) by FPBarbieri
Beckoning Beat (Oz/Reader, G) by CasuallyShrieking
It's you that I lie with (Oz/Reader, G) by CasuallyShrieking
Music to my Ears (Oz/Reader, G) by CasuallyShrieking
The Depth of You (Darla/Kendra, T) by MadeInGold
A Sexy Meal (Buffy/Spike, M) by DeamonQueen
Wanting (Buffy/Giles, T) by zombiesam
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Untitled (Giles, Buffy, unrated) by
Creature of the Night (Faith/OC, M) by smartycvnt
[Chaptered Fiction]
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Vamp for Rent 17/18 (Spike/Xander, M) by forsaken2003
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Forgiveness Doesn't Come Easy Ch. 15 (Buffy/Spike, E) by slaymesoftly
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What If Love Was Enough?, Chapter 7 (Buffy/Spike, E) by Spikelover4ever
Three Little Words, Chapter 5 (Buffy/Spike, E) by Maxineeden
Ressentir la peine, Chapter 1 (Buffy/Spike, G) by Miss Kitty
Who's Pole ?, Chapter 1-2 (Buffy/Spike, E) by Desicat
Pack My Box with Five Dozen Liquor Jugs, Chapter 9 (Buffy/Spike, E) by honeygirl51885
The Neighbor's Point of View, Chapter 75 (Buffy/Spike, ) by the_big_bad
A Waxy Gent Chuckled Over My Fab Jazzy Quips, Chapter 9 (Buffy/Spike, T) by violettathepiratequeen
Poor Man's Treacle, Chapter 1 (Buffy/Spike, G) by mcgnagallsarmy
The Witch‛s Gift, Chapter 30 (Buffy/Spike, E) by RavenLove12
Constellations, Chapter 1 (Buffy/Spike, E) by Maxineeden
Truth and Consequences, Chapter 4 (Buffy/Spike, M) by JamesMFan
Truth Hurts, Chapter 5 (Buffy/Spike, E) by Geliot99
A Second Chance- Their Story, Chapter 6 (Buffy/Spike, E) by Loup Noir
Lesson the Second, Chapter 1 (Buffy/Spike, E) by Girlytek
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Wayward Girl, Chapter 2 (Buffy/Spike, E) by ClowniestLivEver
Love Lives Here, Chapter 6 (Buffy/Spike, E) by Passion4Spike
Clean Slate, Chapter 2 (Buffy/Spike, G) by hulettwyo
It's Easy Time, Until It's Not, Chapter 8 (Buffy/Spike, G) by hulettwyo
The Freak Show, Chapter 8 (Buffy/Spike, E) by hulettwyo
Love Ridden, Chapter 4 (Buffy/Spike, E) by scratchmeout
Liquor Good, Chapter 1 (Buffy/Spike, E) by Girlytek
[Images, Audio & Video]
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Artwork:Balthazar by drawandpaintbyfire
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Artwork:Angel sketches by genericaces
Artwork:Buffy, Dawn, & Willow by pzyii
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Video: AtS Women | Rid of Me by mercer-queen
[Reviews & Recaps]
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PODCAST: Episode 111: Season 5 Wrap Up by Mythtaken
PODCAST: BTVS 507 - Fool For Love by Another Buffy Podcast
PODCAST: Two To Go S6 E21 by Buffy and the Art of Story
PODCAST: Episode 10 - Chocolate Hurricanes and Chicken Tender Subs (Nightmares) by The Sunnydale Diaries
[Fandom Discussions]
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Day 8: Favorite Season 1 Episode. by k0nstantly-tragic
Was rewatching Homecoming earlier for unrelated reasons when I noticed a familiar name on Buffy’s list of likely voters by coraniaid
I find it so funny that in Something Blue, Spike seems to hesitate by hermyohkneegranger
This was fantastic! I picked up on an interesting parallel with watching this video. by girl4music
rating buffy characters for how disproportionate their reaction to buffy’s 3 month absence was by hauntedhikingsociety
Urban Fantasy Worldbuilding and the USA by alpaca-clouds
Two of the most critically acclaimed episodes of Buffy are episodes that I don’t really care for. by wendyliddel
If you think about it in Buffy The Vampire Slayer theres a loophole to create infinite Slayers by takato1993
Another thing that Wynonna gets right that Buffy didn’t. by girl4music
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What music goes with Lilah Morgan? by Pumpkins217
What if Lilah Morgan and Jenny Calendar met? by Pumpkins217
AtS Season 4 is the worst by modeyink
Opinions on each season of AtS by Pumpkins217
How would Wesley react if Lilah had survived in season 4 by LightBlueSky55
Best ship of each season? by Pumpkins217
Joyce’s Death. Did she really need to die? by thrasherbuffy
A better villain than the Initiative? by buffysmanycoats
Pylea by pengchod
Buffy killing the knights of Byzantium by SafiraAshai
5x16 and 17 by ZealousidealMiddle13
I started watching Buffy in October, currently in mid-S6. My thoughts so far. by InnocentPerv93
Comparatively, how strong is baseline Buffy? by mbene913
Question on Illyria’s disguise (spoilers) by JellyfishDry9464
Anyone else love seeing the start of Buffy and Riley’s relationship? by Suspicious-Thing5215
Hot take: Dawn wasn't real by vasopressin334
Crack theories. by ZombiePhantom
Is there a term for how characters in BTVS speak? by Inspirational_Owl
Can we discuss the Pylea arc? by Pumpkins217
What is your favorite season? by Pumpkins217
S2E8 The Dark Age by Pumpkins217
What is your favorite season premiere in the Buffyverse? by Pumpkins217
Which seasons did you find the characters most likable? by Excellent-Durian-509
A lot of talk about Riley, but there's one thing that I haven't seen discussed... by RuthlessKittyKat
S2E17 “Passion” by Pumpkins217
“I Only Have Eyes For You” is amazing. by Pumpkins217
Any good long Buffy/Angel fics? by goodandpure
Rent by pengchod
Angel the Series on the Internet Archive by emerald447
Cordy and Angel by pengchod
Did Buffy the Vampire slayer gain any controversy when it was airing? by Toni-Cipriani
Any theories you had while watching that never came true/were proven? by Could_Be_A_Spy
Wesley’s such a heartthrob in season 4 by modeyink
Doctor Xander? by UpsettiSpaghetti16
Fred's voice by BabsLuck
Where do we go from here. by Syn_33
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theslayerscakes · 2 years
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Long May He Reign.
A Mollymauk Tealeaf Playlist.
1. Underground- Cody Fry
2. Creature- half alive
3. The Greatest Show- The Greatest Showman
4. Freak (feat. REI AMI)- Sub Urban
5. Emperors New Clothes- Panic! At the Disco
6. Tarot- Joseph of Mercury
7. Daydream in Blue- I Monster
8. Unholy- Sam Smith
10. Sway- Michael Buble
11. Verbatim- Mother Mother
12. Feeling Good- Michael Buble
13. G.U.Y- Lady Gaga
14. Birthday Suit- Cosmo Sheldrake
15. House of Memories- Panic! At the Disco
16. Feed the Machine- Poor Mans Poison
17. To build a home- Patrick Watson
18. The Dirge of Mollymauk Tealeaf- Chase Noseworthy
19. My Friends- Oh Wonder
20. Broken Crown- Mumford & Sons
21. Mollymauk Reprise- Chase Noseworthy
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spacedykez · 2 years
pacific’s branzypierce songs list
mostly suggested by anons/other users! i unfortunately did not keep track of who suggested what. but many are my own choices
official list: 1. partners in crime (set it off) 2. curses (crane wives) 3. fear and delight (the correspondants) 4. paper plane (m.i.a.) 5. the cut that always bleeds (conan gray) 6. do it all the time (IDKHOWBUTTHEYFOUNDME) 7. last of the real ones (fall out boy) 8. freak (sub urban) 9. killer (bastille & F*U*G*Z) 10. Wow, I’m Not Crazy (AJR) 11. Icarus (Bastille) (i can explain) 12. HE (jasper isaac) (mlm cover of she) 13. Crazy = Genuis (panic at the disco) 14. Circus Of The Dead (tryhardninja) 15. Angel With A Shotgun (the cab) 16. Sanctuary (NEONI) 17. Enjoy The Ride (Krewella) 18. Burn The House Down (AJR) 19. You’re Gonna Go Far Kid (the offspring) 20. Devil I Know (allie x) 21. Obsession (OK GO)
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uwantcheesebro · 8 months
Ideas for tadc animatics
1: an alternate intro with tgamm intro song
2: a Jax edit with rob a bank by confetti
3: a ragpom edit with the song tangled up
4: a lore based edit with Caine singing the betty boop remix song thingy
5: a pomni edit where she loses it and other friends is the song
5: another lore based edit with the slowed trypophobia meme song. ( amygdala's ragdoll)
6: some sad future edit with freaks by surf curse
7: an overall edit with freaks by sub urban
8: an edit about the pasts of the main few characters and what they've seen with cradles playing or pomni losing it (cradles the sub urban song)
That's all for now, tell me what animatic ideas you think would be cool! I can't draw tho....
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a-random-mooshroom · 1 year
Give me 10 of your favorite songs (tag game?) not in order btw
1: any song from sub urban(freak show is my favorite)
2:any song from weird al
3:dark red by Steven lancy
4:them changes by thunder cats
5:where’s yo head at? (Idk who made it)
6:lots of TikTok audios and silly songs
7:the p-nis(eek!) it’s literally the name of the song look it up
8:Dark age (open eyed trend)
9: puttin on the ritz
10: pizza tower a grain of bread in a grain of sand x taunts
(there’s a lot more that I love but these are just 10
bonus: 5 cores music you listen to
1 break core/speedcore
2 weird core
3 nightcore
@a-fellow-xinyan-lover @sekuuu-mp3 @gabbycatcoffeechococakezwomby or anyone else who wants to join
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yazzydream · 1 year
JJK Playlists: Toji | Gojo
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Sounds Like A You Problem (Fushiguro Toji playlist)
Time to share my playlist for this trash man. Some manga spoilers.
-> [Spotify Link]
1. UH OH! (feat. BENEE) - Sub Urban
Uh-oh, uh-oh, uh-oh You've made a mistake
2. Wish You the Worst - Ryan Mack
Fuck the Zen'in Clan amirite?
Wish you the worst I think you owe me an apology, yeah Ever since I was a little kid, been giving me shit Always calling me a wannabe Saying I'm a loser, I don't have to prove myself to you
3. The Bidding - Tally Hall
Gege Akutami mentioned this in his comments somewhere, the fanbook maybe? but Toji is canonically a sugarbaby who mooches off women. lol
I graduated at the top I like to take advantage of the bourgeoisie So if you have a fantasy of being a queen Maybe you should blow a couple bucks on me
4. Toxic - Britney Spears
Seems the type.
With a taste of your lips, I'm on a ride You're toxic, I'm slippin' under With a taste of a poison paradise I'm addicted to you Don't you know that you're toxic?
5. bad guy - Billie Eilish
So you're a tough guy Like it really rough guy Just can't get enough guy Chest always so puffed guy I'm that bad type Make your mama sad type Make your girlfriend mad tight Might seduce your dad type I'm the bad guy Duh
6. Daisy 2.0 (feat. Hatsune Miku) - Ashnikko
Fuck a princess, I'm a king Bow down and kiss on my ring It's gonna hurt, it'll sting Spittin' your blood in the sink I'm crazy, but you like that, I bite back Daisies on your nightstand, never forget it I blossom in the moonlight, screw eyes Glacial with the blue ice, I'm terrifying
7. queen of broken hearts - blackbear
I'm the queen of broken hearts Break you in a thousand parts Used to be a shooting star When did I become so dark? Yeah, you need to chill, girl, don't play me I'm too far gone, you can't save me And I don't care, fucking hate me I popped a pill and I'm faded
8. Dead or Alive (feat. Madalen Duke) - Stileto
My playlist seems to be made up primarily of songs about Toji being a no-good womanizer and flipping off the Zen'in, huh? Anyway, fuck the Zen'in.
So now I'm asking you for one last favor You've got an enemy inside your blood Could you just take this little parting favor? It's just a little present from my love
9. Brittle Bones Nicky - Rare Americans
Shocking how well these two musical-inclined songs fit Toji. I'm linking the official music video, but the uncensored version is out there. About this guy who just grows up to become a criminal.
You're not gonna push me around (no!) You can't get me down, down, down (down!) Bounce ahead a couple years, king of my peers
10. Brittle Bones Nicky 2 - Rare Americans
Part 2, that guy finds himself in hell but returns to the living.
Thought my story was over, book closed? Think again, we're nowhere close My eyes are open, cheers, we toast I'ma mother fucking ghost (He's a ghost!)
I gotta get outta this hell Would you sell your soul to save yourself? I'm not gonna get pushed around I'm not going down, down, down! (down!) I'm not going down!
Brittle Bones Nicky He was crafty and tricky Yeah, that son of a bitch was gold! Yeah, that son of a bitch was gold! So, here I am, not quite a man But I always got a game plan I'll ruffle feathers, fuck with folks But you know me, I'm a good bloke
11. Freak - Doja Cat
From Toji POV. Ignore the pronouns as usual. Just know that Toji's a freak.
Freak like me You want a good girl that does bad things (to you) You never been with no one as nasty (as me) Spice up your life, come get a freak Freak like me
12. 12345SEX - UPSAHL
Some call it insane, say, "Baby, you're so vain" But I'm living on overdrive all the time And I like the way you taste, some liquor and a chaser Flavor of forever just for the night
13. Thriving - UPSAHL
Damn if this doesn't describe Toji's life choices.
I just checked my bank account Insufficient funds What the fuck is that all about? I'm barefoot stumbling down the street The hottest mess that you'll ever meet I'm thriving, damn this (la-la-la-la, life is a bitch) Thriving, 'cause I (da-da-da-da-don't give a shit)
14. Notorious - UPSAHL
(Reversed: Opinion, I shove all your) I shove all your opinions to the side I do whatever the fuck I like I'll be in to win it 'til I die
Mamaguro was the only woman Toji seems to have loved. Anyone else? Meh.
That's why I don't fuck with feelings anymore Every time they get deep, I just get bored So I'm breaking boys in pieces for the sport Just to lose my mind, I'll just say bye I don't fuck with feelings anymore When I say I want less, they just want more And it feels like I've just felt it all before So I don't fuck with feelings anymore
16. Dick (ft. Doja Cat) - DickStarBoi3
R.I.P. that pussy, ayy
17. Fuck Boy (feat. Kandle) - Apashe
Fuck boy: I didn't know you were crazy To the boarder come chase me I'm gonna break free Oh take off that disguise Show me somethin' real When I look into your eyes
18, The New Knife Game Song - Rusty Cage
A little intermission. Toji was definitely the type to do the knife game for some easy cash when he was younger. Probably even now.
19. Killer - Eminem
Yeah, it's crazy, I'm a (Killer) Made all this money from doin' this (D.A. got that dope) Now count it, five, ten, yeah, fifteen, twenty Twenty-five, thirty, yeah, get the money Throw it in the furnace, yeah, this shit be funny Earn it just to burn it, swag drippin' from me
20. Love Like You - Rebecca Sugar
Yes, the end credits song from Steven Universe. Can't help but think of how Toji felt about Mamaguro.
If I could begin to be Half of what you think of me I could do about anything I could even learn how to love When I see the way you act Wondering when I'm coming back I could do about anything I could even learn how to love Like you I always thought I might be bad Now I’m sure that it's true ‘Cause I think you’re so good And I’m nothing like you
21. I Can't Decide - Scissor Sisters
Toji really, really, isn't a good guy.
I can't decide Whether you should live or die Oh, you'll probably go to heaven Please don't hang your head and cry No wonder why My heart feels dead inside It's cold and hard and petrified Lock the doors and close the blinds We're going for a ride
22. Insane - Baasik, Black Gryph0n
Another sinner in Hell.
It's my pleasure to introduce to you hell's latest arrival The equal-opportunity killer, Alastor! Hello, it's nice to meet you Oh, can you tell me where I am? I don't know how I got here But I, I think I'm starting to understand I don't belong among the angels And baby, that's just fine with me The things I did up there were high school But now I'm going for my degree Hey Sorry, but you just got in my way I promise honey, I can feel your pain And maybe I enjoy it just a little bit Does that make me insane? Haven't been the same since I expired Doesn't mean that I plan to retire And now I have the power to bathe all of you in entertaining fire
23. Trouble - Valerie Broussard
Applicable to a number of JJK boys honestly. But the gambling line specifically made me think Toji.
Dangerously havin' the time of our lives These boys are just poisonous thorns in our sides Startin' fires wherever we go Watching 'em gamble everything they own
Trouble coming in the dead of night Trouble making everythin' alright It's in your blood It's in your bones You cannot sleep for [x2]
24. Outrunning Karma - Alec Benjamin
Outrunning karma, that boy He's such a charmer, all the Bugs and their larva, follow Him out to Colorado Ten dozen hearts in a bag Their bodies lying, he'll drag Them down to Colorado A modern desperado
25. You Problem - Cloudy June & emlyn
That one part of the song that kept repeating in my head that the title of this playlist is from. It's just a very Toji thing to say.
That sounds like a you problem
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